Resource based conflict
“The wars of this century have been on oil, and the wars of the next century will be on water...” ( Serageldin ) Food and water based conflict is predicted to overtake other resource based conflict over the next century, it has already been seen with Israel seizing the Golgi Heights in Syria in order to secure it's water supply. This issue is more prevalent than anywhere else in Africa, 60% of the African population lives in a transboundary river basin. The main issue behind water based conflict is assigning water property rights, Shiklomanov suggests that “... water resources are assumed to be the river runoff formed in the territory of a given region plus half the river water inflow from outside." - in essence this means very little as you have to rely on honesty and trust the data provided by nations upstream and in resource based conflict, honesty is often the first thing to go. An area where this is particularly prevalent is in...